Richland Public Health FREE Community Event

Richland Public Health is hosting a FREE Community Health Day! Come and join the community on October 11th from 9am-3pm for health screenings, consultations, giveaways and more!

Ethics Training

The Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board will be offering an Ethics Training. A presenter from the Counselor and Social Worker Board will facilitate the training. The training...

NAMI Virtual Connections Support Group

A FREE, peer-led support group for any adult that has experienced symptoms of a mental illness. This is intended to give participants insight through hearing the challenges and successes of...

NAMI In Our Own Voice Presentation

NICKEL & BEAN 27 East Main Street, Lexington, Ohio

NAMI In Our Own Voice presentations change attitudes, assumptions and ideas about people with mental health conditions. These free presentations provide a personal perspective of mental health conditions, as leaders...

NAMIWalks – Richland County

Join the FREE NAMI Richland County for "NAMIWalks" on May 31 at 8:00 AM to walk for victory over mental illness. Take the walk of your life with others in your community...