Behavioral Health Urgent Care OPEN

The Behavioral Health Urgent Care at Catalyst Life Services offers access to services without an appointment. You can receive an initial assessment or brief and solution-focused counseling for Mental Health...

Warmline Available 24/7 at 419-522-5300

The Warmline will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for questions or concerns regarding mental health. For more information call 419-522-5300.


FREE Deterra Medication Disposal Pouches provided by CACY

Community Action for Capable Youth (CACY) will be offering Deterra medication disposal pouches at no charge to the public. The bags are a convenient and safe way to dispose of...


Properly Storing Lethal Means provided by CACY

Properly storing lethal means can assist families with members in the home who struggle with mental health concerns. Community Action for Capable Youth (CACY) offers lock boxes at no charge...


Prevention Toolkit provided by NAMI

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Richland County will be emailing a free digital prevention toolkit to partnering agencies and providing resources on the NAMI Richland County social media platforms and website.


Helpline Available 24/7 at 419-522-HELP (4357)

Catalyst Life Services will have Helpline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you or someone you know is dealing with a mental health or addiction crisis, please call 419-522-HELP (4357).


Recovery Month Proclamation

The Richland County Commissioners will offer a proclamation to help Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board celebrate Recovery Month. The event will be held in the Commissioner’s Board...


NAMI Connections Peer Support Group at Kingwood Center

NAMI will facilitate Connections Peer Support Group which will be held at Kingwood Center.  Please meet in the Gateway Café for free refreshments, resources, and a mindful walk activity.


Recovery Month Proclamation

On behalf of the City of Ontario, Mayor Kris Knapp will offer a Proclamation to help Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board celebrate Recovery Month. The event will...
