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National Recovery Month Begins
September 1, 2022 All day

National Recovery Month (Recovery Month), which started in 1989, is a national observance held every September to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the nation’s strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and communities who help make recovery possible.
This year Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board and our community partners celebrate National Recovery Month with the theme “Local Hope for Local Recovery.” We are working hard to educate our community about services that are available locally.
RECOVERY: During State Fiscal Year 2022 over 9500 Richland County residents participated in prevention and educational efforts, in schools, churches and community organizations. They learned how to recognize concerns with their family and friends and how to access help when they need it. They learned that the majority of roads to recovery start with hope from someone who cares.
RECOVERY: Through our outreach efforts and supportive access, the local system touched 3,686 lives through our HELP Line, 2,641 through our Warmline, 112 through the Opiate Response Team and 177 in the first two months of the NEW Homeless Response Team. Over 6,500 people found hope coming to them or just a phone call away.
RECOVERY: Through our newest program, Behavioral Health Urgent Care, 787 accessed immediate treatment during the first 11 months. Critical services were provided to 217 people for Crisis Stabilization and an additional 255 entered Withdrawal Management. Over 1200 people started their road to recovery this year.
RECOVERY: All total over 8000 Richland County residents were assisted in treatment from local agencies close to home that are well recognized including Catalyst Life Services, Family Life Counseling, Mansfield UMADAOP, Community Action for Capable Youth, and the National Alliance on Mental illness, just to name a few. It is a great feeling to know that local hope is available to access local recovery.
We enhanced the “Know It Before You Need It” initiative and increased community knowledge of available services before people need them. We are continuing to grow our “The Neighbor to Neighbor” movement, encouraging the community to be willing to see who in your life is struggling, even if that is you, and help them get help. Recovery doesn’t have quick fix, magic pill or switch to flip. The reality is recovery takes time, tenacity, training and community. Know that in Richland County, Ohio there is local help, local hope and local recovery.
As a community we encourage Richland County residents, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses, and schools to be the helpers. This can be done by increasing awareness and understanding of what recovery requires, what services are available in Richland County, and how to help someone find these resources.
Through out the month of September there will be celebrations, events, and opportunities to increase your Recovery knowledge and to learn more about services and service providers available in Richland County, Ohio.
Recovery Month is a national observance held every September to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the nation’s strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and communities who help make recovery possible.
This year Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board and our community partners celebrate National Recovery Month with the theme “Local Hope for Local Recovery.” We are working hard to educate our community about services that are available locally.
Please join us in supporting recovery by attending or participating in the events being offered throughout the month of September.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to be part of the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Recovery Conversation. #RECOVERYMONTH2022 #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors #RichlandRECOVERS
Events for Recovery Month include:
August 31st
The Annual International Overdose Awareness Day will be held at Lexington Community Park. The public is invited to join this event and help spread the message that overdose deaths are preventable. A candlelight vigil, sky lantern and a drum circle will be part of the event. Toiletry items will be collected in support of New Beginnings Recovery Services.
September 1st
The Richland County Commissioners will present a proclamation to the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board proclaiming September 2022 as Recovery Month in Richland County.
September 1st 6:00pm to 8:30pm
NAMI Connections. A support group for persons living and coping with mental health issues, will meet at the Oasis Peer Center. 87 East First Street, Mansfield. This peer led program is a very encouraging source of support to those on the journey toward recovery. Call NAMI Richland County at 419-522-6264 for more information.
September 1 through the 30th
Community Action for Capable Youth (CACY) will be offering Deterra medication disposal pouches at no charge to the public. The bags are a convenient way to dispose of unused and unwanted medications. For more information, please contact the CACY office at 419-774-5683.
September 1 through the 30th
Helpline is available 24/7 for those in a crisis regarding substance use and mental health recovery. Call 419-522-HELP (4357) or visit www.catalystlifeservices.org.
September 1 through the 30th
Warmline is available 24/7 for information and concerns regarding substance use and mental health recovery. This line is staffed by certified peer support specialist who are ready to talk and ready to listen. Call 419-522-5300. This line is provided by a partnership between Catalyst Life Services, Mansfield UMADAOP and Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board.
September 1 through the 30th
Catalyst Life Services Behavioral Health Urgent Care offers immediate access for mental health and substance use assessments and services Monday through Friday without an appointment. This service is available at 741 Scholl Road, Mansfield on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm and on Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30am to 7:30pm. For more information call 419-522-4357 or visit www.catalystlifeservices.org.
September 6th at 7:30pm
The Village of Lexington’s Mayor Brian White will present a proclamation to the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board proclaiming September 2022 as Recovery Month in Lexington, Ohio.
September 7th at 7:00pm
The City of Ontario Mayor Randy Hutchinson will present a proclamation to the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board proclaiming September 2022 as Recovery Month in Ontario, Ohio.
September 10th 11:00am to 1:00pm
First Annual Mansfield Recovery Picnic. This event will be held at Mansfield Central Park. This event is for individuals, family members and friends to offer encouragement and to celebrate recovery together. Pack a lunch or order something while you are there. We will hear recovery stories and information on services.
September 14th 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Responding to Addiction in Richland County. This is the third in a series of Town Hall Meetings sponsored by METRICH, Richland County Opiate Review Board and The Mental Health and Recovery Services Board. The event will include “Hidden in Plain Sight” from CACY, a Recovery Story, Information from METRICH, a Narcan training, information on service availability, help for families and advocacy. There will also be time at the end for questions and answers. The event will be held at Ontario High School Auditorium, 457-Shelby-Ontario Road, Ontario Ohio.
September 15th 9:00am to 4:00pm
Understanding Grief, Loss and Trauma Training. The Richland Country Suicide Prevention Coalition in partnership with The Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, Catalyst Life Services and Area Agency on Aging are offering this FREE training. This training will explore how individuals can understand and help neighbors understand the process of grief, both normal and complicated, at a time when the world as a whole is experiencing so much loss. Seating is limited so please complete and return a registration form or contact the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board at 419-774-5811 to register for the training.
September 19th 6:30pm to 8:00pm
NAMI Richland County will host their Family Support Group. This will take place at the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board Office located at 87 East First Street, Mansfield. The special speaker for this meeting will be Crystal Shaffer, Nurse Manager of the Behavioral Health Unit at OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital. She will be sharing an update on resources and programs the hospital has to offer our loved ones.
September 24th 9:30am to 12:30pm
Healing Hearts Counseling Center will be hosting a “Rock Recovery” event that is free and open to the community at 680 Park Avenue West, Mansfield. Addiction has touched many lives, but recovery has touched just as many and in a positive way. We would like to celebrate those that have been rocking recovery and celebrate the lives of those that have passed, by painting rocks in remembrance, or with a date to commemorate your clean time.
September 24th 7:00pm to 9:00pm
An Evening with Kevin Hines. 33 Forever in partnership with the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board and the Renaissance Theatre are thrilled to offer a free inspirational event with Kevin Hines. Mr. Hines survived a suicide attempt where he jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge. Stating that he regretted his decision “the minute I let go.” Mr. Hines has dedicated his life to telling his story of survival and encouraging people to access help before reaching this point. He is the creator and producer of the documentary “Suicide, The Ripple Effect.” He will be joined on stage, by a panel of local advocates and people with lived experience, to address the questions and answer portion of the program. This program is free to the public and will be held at the historic Renaissance Theatre. Refreshments of popcorn and soft drinks will be offered at no cost to attendees. If you would prefer to reserve your seat, you can go to 33forever.live and for a nominal donation you can reserve a seat.
September 29th 4:00pm to 7:00pm
“Celebrate Recovery.” Catalyst Life Services will host an event for alumni and current clients of New Beginnings. This will be a way to celebrate recovery month with food, music, games, Narcan training, an A. A. meeting and a remembrance wall with those who have overcome or are fighting substance use disorders. For more information you can contact Melissa at 419-774-6710.
Please visit www.richlandmentalhealth.com or KnowitB4UNeedit.com for updates or new events that may be added after this list has been published. We hope you will join us in celebrating September’s Recovery Month and learn more about Local Hope for Local Recovery.