Mission Statement
The mission of the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board is to facilitate and maintain collaborative, trauma-informed, resiliency and recovery oriented services for individuals seeking treatment for mental health or substance use issues, their families, and the community. The Board shall provide planning, funding, and evaluation of the development of high-quality, cost-effective, and comprehensive services. These services will adapt to the changing needs of the community and those seeking services, fulfill the mandates of Ohio Revised Code and promote a person’s voice and choice, while advocating for the continued development of person-centered mental health and addiction services with a focus on growing and preserving a legacy of hope and success within our community.
Vision Statement
Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board supports the mission in which those who seek mental health and substance use services, and their families, are provided with access to trauma-informed, resiliency and recovery oriented care across their lifespan and are treated as equal members of our community. We envision our community as one in which we listen to those who seek treatment, and their families, and accept their voices as both needed and important to achieve a community system of care which is free from prejudice, discrimination, and intolerance.