Voices Out of the Dark
Third Street Clinic will host Voices Out of the Dark. The event matches an artist and a person affected by addiction. The artist creates work that portrays the person’s story....
Third Street Clinic will host Voices Out of the Dark. The event matches an artist and a person affected by addiction. The artist creates work that portrays the person’s story....
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group is a free, peer-led support group for any adult who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. You will gain insight from hearing the challenges and successes of others, and the groups are led by trained leaders who have been there. By sharing your experiences in a safe and...
The ACT program was developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) and is coordinated by the Children, Youth & Families Portfolio. The program is based on research showing that: The early...
OhioHealth Ontario Health and Fitness Center is offering free yoga classes. Classes are open to the public and are designed to increase mindfulness and build resilience.
Behavioral and Physical Health Resource Fair at Lucas Middle School Gymnasium. An information and resource fair with information tables, giveaways and wellness activities.
21st Annual Richland County Drug Court Graduation will be held at the Life Celebration Reception Center, 129 South Main Street, Mansfield, Ohio 44902. Refreshments will be provided.
Catalyst Life Services will host its Annual Kids Carnival at 270 Sterkel Blvd in Mansfield. The event is free and open to the public. There will be snacks, games and prizes at the event.
Tito’s Cantina Grill will host an event supporting Mental Health. Free snacks will be available. Tito's offers non-alcoholic mocktails and food specials plus regular menu. There will be a DJ,...
The ACT program was developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) and is coordinated by the Children, Youth & Families Portfolio. The program is based on research showing that: The early...
OhioHealth Ontario Health and Fitness Center is offering free yoga classes. Classes are open to the public and are designed to increase mindfulness and build resilience.
May 15th thru May 19th Catalyst Life Services, Richland County Job and Family Services and Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services will be offering a training, Becoming A Peer Recovery Supporter, You Support Will Lead Others to Success. Those who attend will receive their Peer Support Specialist certification. To register contact Stacy Jackson at 419-774-5333...
NAMI is offering a Family Support Group designed for those who have a loved one with a mental illness. Anyone is welcome to join the group for support, education, and...