Jericho Wall Dedication

August 31st at 11:00a.m. The dedication of the Jericho Wall of Remembrance and Recovery will be held at the corner of Bowman Street and West Dickson beside First Christian Church....

Sparking The Conversation

Tuesdays in September at 7:30 p.m. Jeff and Donna Heck of 33 Forever, in collaboration with Mid State Multi Media, host a weekly show called ‘Sparking the Conversation’. The show...

2nd Annual Celebrate Recovery event

New Beginnings 703 W Scholl Road, Mansfield

September 7th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. New Beginnings Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services- A Catalyst Company will host the 2nd Annual Celebrate Recovery event at the New Beginnings...

2nd Annual Mansfield Area Recovery Picnic

Mansfield Central Park 29 Park Ave. East, Mansfield

It's the 2nd annual Mansfield Area Recovery Picnic for individuals, family members and friends. We will all gather at Central Park in Downtown Mansfield to offer encouragement and celebrate recovery...

Ted Yoder, Hammered Dulcimer Life in Concert

Dan Lew Exchange DLX 28 N Main St, Mansfield

September 13th from 5:00 p.m. Gravity Ohio and Dan Lew Exchange presents Ted Yoder, Hammered Dulcimer Life in Concert. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and the concert begins at 6:00...

NAMI Support Group

Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services 87 East First St. Suite L Mansfield OH 44902 87 East First St. Suite L, Mansfield

September 18th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. NAMI Support Group will host a free meeting available and open to the public with a guest speaker from Healing Hearts Counseling....

Recovery Month Proclamation Village of Lexington

Lexington Village Hall 44 W Main St Ste A, Lexington

September 18th at 7:30 p.m. On behalf of the Village of Lexington Mayor Brian White will offer a proclamation supporting the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board as...

Final Friday of Recovery Month Candlelight Vigil

SUD Treatment Services 240 Marion Ave, Mansfield

September 29th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Join Family Life Counseling with the “Final Friday” of Recovery Month 2023 by partaking in a candlelight vigil commemorating those loved ones...

The Domestic Violence Shelter Candlelight Vigil

OSU Mansfield - Riedl Hall 1680 University Dr, Mansfield

The event aims to shed light on domestic violence, honor the survivors, remember those who have lost their lives and encourage community involvement in combatting the violence.

Ethics : An Overview of the Rules for Counselor, Social Work, and Marriage and Family Therapy Professionals and Chemical Dependency Professionals

Ethics :An Overview of the Rules for Counselor, Social Work, and Marriage and Family Therapy Professionals andChemical Dependency Professionals Presented by:Christy Ellis-Trolian, MA, JD,LPCC-S, LICDC-CS Location:Area Agency on Aging2131 Park Avenue West, Suite 300Ontario, Ohio 44906October 20, 20238:30am to 12:00pm Registration begins 1/2 hour before the start time Agenda8:00am-8:30am Registration8:30am– 9:30am CSWMFT & CDP laws...

Trunk Or Treat at Foundations for Living

Foundations For Living 1451 Lucas Road, Mansfield

October 27th is the 4th Annual Foundations for Living Trunk or Treat. Join us in our NEW parking lot for trunk loads of treats and lots of Halloween fun. Our staff will be dressed up for Halloween passing out candy to the community who want to bring their children in costumes.