Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Promotional Spots on Mix 106.1
Be sure to listen to Mix 106.1 for Suicide Prevention Awareness Month September 1 - September 30, 2021
Be sure to listen to Mix 106.1 for Suicide Prevention Awareness Month September 1 - September 30, 2021
September 7th Joe Trolian Guest Speaker for Richland County Development Group Zoom Meeting discussing the topic of Business and Recovery - Helping business become recovery supportive and employees be employment ready.
September 7th at 10:00am Proclamation from the Board of Commissioners declaring September as Recovery Month
9/7 at 7:00 PM in the Justice Center – Court Room/Council Chambers
September 9th Joe Trolian will tape Focus on North Central Ohio WMFD - will we add the air date and time as soon as it is determined.
Once a week starting September 9th through October 28th NAMI Family to Family 6:00-8:30pm at the Richland County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board. This free 8-session education program is...
33 Forever is pleased to announce its THIRD ANNUAL Golf Outing, Online Silent Auction & Charity Dinner event at Westbrook Country Club in Mansfield on Friday, September 10, 2021. This date...
The Richland County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board invites you, your church staff, volunteers and members of your congregations to join us September 11, 2021 from 9am-12pm for A...
Watch the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board Facebook Page September 20-24th. We will spend the week recognizing our community agencies, partners, advocates and volunteers support RECOVERY in...
If you have a loved one with a mental illness, come join us every 3rd Monday of the month for a time of support, education, and learning. Here we focus...
As someone living with a mental health condition, you may face unique challenges: social stereotypes and misunderstanding, complex family dynamics, changing medical developments. I can be overwhelming. Our program can...
In September we recognized Recovery Month and the local Mental Health & Recovery Services Board focus was on connecting recovery supportive businesses with employees in recovery ready to rejoin the...