
NAMI Family to Family Classes Richland County, Ohio

Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services 87 East First St. Suite L Mansfield OH 44902 87 East First St. Suite L, Mansfield

Once a week starting September 9th through October 28th NAMI Family to Family 6:00-8:30pm at the Richland County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board. This free 8-session education program is for family, friends, and significant others of adults with mental health conditions. We provide information about mental health conditions, communication, problem solving, treatment, and recovery.

33 Forever 3rd Annual Golf Outing and Online Silent Auction

Westbrook Country Club 1098 Springmill St, Mansfield

33 Forever is pleased to announce its THIRD ANNUAL Golf Outing, Online Silent Auction & Charity Dinner event at Westbrook Country Club in Mansfield on Friday, September 10, 2021. This date is particularly fitting for our event this year as it also marks World Suicide Prevention Day 2021. Golf will start at 11:33 am with a...

$3 – $33