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Catalyst BH Urgent Care

Behavioral Health Care available with no appointment necessary.
Located at Catalyst Life Services in Mansfield – Hours vary and are subject to change.
Click here for current hours of operation, services available, and for other important information.

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57 Years
Serving the Local Community for
57 years

est. 1968

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Please call the helpline at 419‑522‑HELP (4357)

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Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Strives to Provide:

Mental Health Support

The Richland County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board provides an extensive array of mental health services through contracts with organization in Richland County. Through these contracted services, the Board establishes a strong continuum of care that helps meet the needs of Richland County residents. Our contract agencies and affiliate organizations provide assessment, treatment and supportive services in all life domains. To see a full list of our Contract and Affiliate Agencies, along with the services they provide, click here.

Addiction Support

The Richland County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board contracts with organization in Richland County to provide an array of services that focus on substance use and addiction. These services are designed to meet the various treatment needs of those seeking help. We offer a broad continuum of care through our contract agencies and affiliate organizations. To see a full list of our partners who serve those in need, click here.


Richland County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board contracts for behavioral health prevention education. Behavioral health includes mental health and addiction services. The Board is an advocate for prevention and funds various prevention programs in Richland County. To download our Richland County one pager click here.


The Richland County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board offers various training opportunities to ensure licensed behavioral health professionals have opportunities to receive ongoing education locally. Training hours fall under the Counselor and Social Worker Board and the Ohio Chemical Dependency Board. If your professional licensing Board accepts training hours from either of the two aforementioned Boards, you are welcome to register for our trainings. If you do not carry a license and are required to get general training hours you are welcome to register for our trainings. Check our calendar for upcoming trainings or contact the Board for more information.

Upcoming Events

Find Help

Connect to the resources in our community that can help you with addiction and mental health and the health of those you love.

Get Involved

Connect to learn more about Richland County addiction & mental health programs, people and opportunities.

Our Declaration of Racism and Discrimination as a Public Crisis

Learn about our commitment to equality and a healthy community.

Collaboration Improves Mental Health & Recovery in Richland County

Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services is here to ensure that you have access to the mental health and addiction resources you need to lead healthy and abundant lives. We are trauma-informed and recovery-oriented providing a system of care when you are in need of help and hope.

Get a printable 1-page version of our Contract and Affiliate agency providers.

Help is available when YOU need it most!

Crisis Line

419­-522­-4357 (HELP)

Warm Line

Need to talk, but you are NOT in crisis?


Text Line

Text 4hope to #741741

First Call 2-1-1

2-1-1 or
419-522-4636 (INFO)

Veteran’s Crisis Line


OR TEXT: #838255

Latest News

A Healthy and Drug-Free Workforce

Alcohol and drug abuse is widespread within our society. It affects many of our industries in many different ways. Although national, state, and local efforts have shown encouraging results in detecting employees under the influence, the problem of alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace remains to be a serious issue.

Definition of Recovery

The word recovery is a general term that is used to explain a transitional time in life; whether it is an athlete recovering from a knee injury, a family member who is recovering from losing a loved one, a child recovering from a mental illness, or an adult recovering from an addiction.

Wrap Around

The journey to recovery can be difficult for an individual with a mental illness and/or addiction. This can be particularly true for a youth or young adult who is dealing with a mental illness and/or addiction along with the everyday challenges of growing up.

When you’re facing mental health, addiction, or trauma, making the decision to get help is an enormous first step. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. What’s out there? What can you afford? Who can you trust? We are here to guide you to the resources to help you get to where you want to be. Download our Richland County Community Contacts 1-Pager for contact information.