Proclamation from the Board of Commissioners declaring September as Recovery Month
September 7th at 10:00am Proclamation from the Board of Commissioners declaring September as Recovery Month
September 7th at 10:00am Proclamation from the Board of Commissioners declaring September as Recovery Month
9/7 at 7:00 PM in the Justice Center – Court Room/Council Chambers
September 9th Joe Trolian will tape Focus on North Central Ohio WMFD - will we add the air date and time as soon as it is determined.
Once a week starting September 9th through October 28th NAMI Family to Family 6:00-8:30pm at the Richland County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board. This free 8-session education program is for family, friends, and significant others of adults with mental health conditions. We provide information about mental health conditions, communication, problem solving, treatment, and recovery.
33 Forever is pleased to announce its THIRD ANNUAL Golf Outing, Online Silent Auction & Charity Dinner event at Westbrook Country Club in Mansfield on Friday, September 10, 2021. This date is particularly fitting for our event this year as it also marks World Suicide Prevention Day 2021. Golf will start at 11:33 am with a...
The Richland County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board invites you, your church staff, volunteers and members of your congregations to join us September 11, 2021 from 9am-12pm for A COMMUNITY CONVERSATION on Mental Health and the importance of faith communities supporting Richland County, Ohio residents. Unfortunately we are having to postpone this event to...
Watch the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board Facebook Page September 20-24th. We will spend the week recognizing our community agencies, partners, advocates and volunteers support RECOVERY in Richland County, Ohio. Visit our Facebook Page Now
If you have a loved one with a mental illness, come join us every 3rd Monday of the month for a time of support, education, and learning. Here we focus on how to advocate and care for our loved ones as well as learning self-care. Every month we cover a different topic brought to us...
As someone living with a mental health condition, you may face unique challenges: social stereotypes and misunderstanding, complex family dynamics, changing medical developments. I can be overwhelming. Our program can help you. NAMI Connection provides a safe, accepting and confidential setting with access to a community of people who relate to your experiences. You will...
In September we recognized Recovery Month and the local Mental Health & Recovery Services Board focus was on connecting recovery supportive businesses with employees in recovery ready to rejoin the workforce. We know RECOVERY doesn't only happen in September and are continuing the conversation with this 2 Part Breakfast Series. Session 1: October 8th Will...
In September we recognized Recovery Month and the local Mental Health & Recovery Services Board focus was on connecting recovery supportive businesses with employees in recovery ready to rejoin the workforce. We know RECOVERY doesn't only happen in September and are continuing the conversation with this 2 Part Breakfast Series. Session 1: October 8th Will...
September 16th NAMI on Campus 4:00-5:30pm on campus (room number TBD). This student-led group is for all OSU-Mansfield and NCSC college students. They are dedicated to normalizing mental health conversation...